This week has been HARD. I had no illusions about how challenging it would be and there were days where it felt hour-to-hour. If it wasn’t a craving for a sandwich, it was a diet coke or a piece of gum. The cravings were everywhere, some of them more out of habit (I LOVE routine) than a particular desire for the food (which is insightful in-and-of itself). My sleep schedule has been a mess…I’ve been in bed by 8:30p three different evenings, by 9:00p the other three, and awake at 4:30a a handful of mornings. Some nights have been really restful, others not so much. Focusing at work in the afternoons nearly took an act of God.
But it’s not been all bad…since I can’t spend my lunch hour enjoying a sandwich at the little bakery around the corner from my office, I’ve been bringing my lunch, eating at my desk, and then going for a walk outside after I’m done eating. I’ve yet to find a route that allows me to avoid all of the smokers out on their own lunch breaks, and it doesn’t prevent the crash from not having a diet soda, but the fresh air makes me happy and it feels good to get some exercise in the middle of the day. Also, since I can’t have gum, I’m taking a toothbrush and toothpaste to leave at my desk at work. I never would have guessed that the Whole30 would lead to more tooth-brushing. I’ve been drinking a ton of water, and while I was well-hydrated before, I do think drinking primarily water for a few weeks is going to help flush my system of a whole bunch of crap. On the suggestion of a friend, I’ve been adding lemon essential oil to it sometimes, which provides welcome variety (thanks, Jenni!). Lastly, the bloat in my stomach is completely gone. I went into this with 20 lbs to lose, so there is no doubt that I need to make changes for the long haul, but my belly is noticeably flatter after just a week (I’m lookin’ at you, grains and dairy).
I’m fairly certain I wouldn’t have made it through the week without M, who did the heavy lifting with dinner several nights and gently reminded me more than once why I was doing this (I did A LOT of bitching mid-week…the “kill all the things” phase is legit). Initially, I would’ve preferred to start this when he was on a trip, just so he could avoid the first-week drama, but I’m really glad he ended up being home. Week two will be all me, but I feel prepared.
This week has forced me to confront every bad habit I have related to food, which is exactly what I need. Having my sister going through this right along with me has been a huge help…not letting her down is almost as much motivation as not letting myself down. In a lot of ways, it’s hard and miserable, but there’s no denying that my digestive system is happier. From what I’ve read, the cravings should diminish in another week or so. And there’s something called “tiger blood” in Whole30 circles that is supposed to be pretty amazing. That doesn’t show up until late in the process, but I’d love to feel that good. It’s been a while.