As a highly-sensitive introvert (highly-sensitive doesn’t mean I cry a lot, quite the opposite actually, if you want to learn more about the term go here), I spend a lot of time in my head. A LOT. Since the recent election, I’ve noticed an increase in noise upstairs, a restlessness. I’m not sure what it’s about, or where this might go, but for the first time in my life I’m compelled to put words to paper, or screen as it were. I’m also coming off a bizarre couple of years. In the last three years I’ve experienced two cross-country moves, two very stressful jobs, a serious flare of my autoimmune condition (Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, click to learn more about what it’s like to live with Hashi’s ), a close family member being diagnosed with a serious illness, a broken foot, and yet another new job – one that feels like it *might* be a good fit. All of the transitions, turmoil and change forced me to think hard about what makes for a good life, what makes me happy, and what it means to contribute – to “add to” the universe as opposed to “take from”. It also forced me to look deeper at the grey areas of life, the dark corners where transformation happens. That is some of what I want to explore here.
As for the title, it’s a twist on a common term used to describe an introvert – shrinking violet. Most introverts I know aren’t dull wallflowers. We are measured in our speech, but oftentimes complex, fierce individuals who have strong opinions and an important perspective in today’s loud, obnoxious society. I have never been afraid of change, adventure, or shaking up my life, hence Leaping Violet. It’s a small way of reframing, changing the lens.
So, I’m blogging. Mostly for my own benefit, in the hopes of gaining clarity on the things that get stuck on repeat in my head, but I’ll also sharing the blog through my social media accounts. I’m not scared of writing the blog, I’m terrified (TERRIFIED!) that someone will read it. Sharing it is an exercise in extreme discomfort. So here’s to getting vulnerable. I’m not sure where this will go, but I’m curious enough that I’m willing to let it wander where it may.
This is brave and very cool Kim; I will be following you on your journey:)
I’m very proud of you, Kim!